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Schedule Theater - #D

Opening Day - April 25, 2019

Opening Film - 2:00pm


VIP Welcome Reception - 4:00pm


Red Carpet - 5:30pm


Opening Night Film - 7:00pm

Day Two - Friday April 26, 2019

Feature Film - 10:00am


Festival Entry Film - 12:00 noon

Feature Film - 2:00pm


Festival Entry Film - 4:00pm


VIP Nightly Reception - 5:30pm

Feature Film - 6:30pm

Day Three - Saturday April 27, 2019

Festival Entry Film - 10:00am


Feature Film - 12:00 noon

Festival Entry Film - 2:00pm

Feature Film - 4:00pm

VIP Nightly Reception - 5:30pm

Feature Film - 6:30pm

Closing Day - Sunday April 28, 2019

Breakfast Reception - 10:00am

Feature Film - 11:00am

Festival Entry Winner - 1:00pm

Festival Entry Winner - 3:00pm

Closing Feature Film - 5:00pm

Special Notice:

Film Schedule is subject to change without notice should you have any questions please contact the Box Office.

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